{-# title: Bunny - A Haskell compiler for Android -} # Bunny - A Haskell compiler for Android (In English / [In Japanese](https://uhideyuki.sakura.ne.jp/studs/index.cgi/ja/Bunny)) Bunny is a Haskell compiler to build applications for Android. The current release of the prototype (version 0.9.0) is far from complete, however, it is planned to meet the specification of Haskell 2010 language report. For information on our planned features and future direction please refer to our roadmap. - Download - [bunny-0.9.0.tar.gz](http://uhideyuki.sakura.ne.jp/bunny/bunny-0.9.0.tar.gz) - [bunny-0.9.0.zip](http://uhideyuki.sakura.ne.jp/bunny/bunny-0.9.0.zip) - [Build and Installation](BuildingBunny) - [Roadmap](BunnyRoadmap) - [Release notes for 0.9.0](Bunny_Release_0_9_0) - [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/unnohideyuki/bunny)