Bunny Roadmap
The roadmap of our planned features and future direction is as follows:
Version 0.9.0 -- released on December 15, 2020
First pre-release
You can compile a simple Haskell program and build an Android app.
Version 0.9.x
Bug fixes and feature additions for Version 1.0.0.
Give priority to stability, and performance improvement will be postponed basically.
Introduce Semantic Versioning
Establish a policy for issue tracking and repository management
Version 1.0.0 (scheduled for release in May 2021)
Meet all Haskell 2010 specifications
Support FFI and allow Java classes and methods to be used in Haskell programs
Implement a more decent terminal emulator.
Version 2.0.0 (undecided)
Increase speed (change STG execution method)